Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Question of the Week?

Which classical civilization do you feel we have been influenced the most by?

The funny thing about democracy...

I find it very interesting that the Athenian's saw themselves as the greatest and most educated because of the fact that they created democracy. In fact, the democracy that took place actually contradicts the meaning of democracy in that all slaves, foreigners, women, and children were not citizens, and therefore, they had no say in the decisions made amongst the society. men used this as an opportunity to gain power and take control, and I find it ridiculous that according to our records, no body realized this. However, Aristotle, Socrates, Plato and their followers acknowledged this later on, and did not support democracy. this is also interesting because they reject the government that is giving them power amongst society.

Monday, December 3, 2007

US Government going into Debt

According to an article from CNN, the debt of the US Government has been increasing day by day, nearly $1 million dollars a minute. At the moment, the US Government owes $9.13 trillion dollars. It's pretty scary thinking about the world when we get older; the fact that over the next 25 years the amount of senior citizens will double, leaving their jobs and expecting the government to send them financial aid. This can be connected to World History because it shows how even the strongest of countries can face problems when the government is not doing the best it can to provide the country with success.