Thursday, February 28, 2008


As I was reading all of our textbooks and The Demon in the Freezer by Richard Preston, I realized how much geography has impacted Africa.
  • The disease, deadly I might add, Ebola Zaire began along the Zaire river in Africa, where the disease was able to remain for a long time and kill before it could move. Africa's rivers don't connect and have rapids, so people couldn't travel in direct routes and had to go all over to reach their destination. People infected with Ebola who didn't know it took these routes that were out of the way and in turn infected many of the people living in these areas. Also, because of their traditional behavior, the people of Africa want to carry around the body of their dead relative around the village so that its spirit could move on, however, this was not possible because Ebola spreads quickly. Biology really is related to geography and history!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Other factors: tsetse flies, sahara desert, kalahari desert, different terrains, etc.

1 comment:

Mrs. Dailey said...

great! You can relate this to the Black Death!